Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Want To Marry That! (Enamored with Fashion)

Years ago, a preschooler once told me after I had finished reading a book to her class:

"I want to marry that." (said with a sigh...)

She loved the book so much and that expressed what she wanted to say totally.

The way she constructed her choice of words led me to remark upon how we all have deep affections for things we like.

Sometimes conventional words we use as adults don't always capture a feeling we want to express. Children express themselves naturally and winsomely, so at times, we are struck by wonder as to how they view things.

Fashion strikes a chord in me, and I am amazed by feelings it brings out in me. At times, the artistry of a dress evokes positive emotions, or the feel of a fabric makes you feel comfortable, almost as if you are embraced and encircled so perfectly. I always wonder if the designer felt that way when creating the item(s). Like it was their baby, their creation?

I feel myself being drawn to the item and become enamored with its beauty.

If you try to parallel your emotions with things around you or other thoughts that enter your head, you are nearing the process of being able to express what you really feel.

Eventually, you become so lost or speechless that you can't say anything else, except like a child:

"I want to marry that..."

If you do have a moment, try to do a search on the following:

The song, "Lost In Your Eyes" (Debbie Gibson, album: Electric Youth or see You Tube)
The song, "My Baby, You" (Marc Anthony)
The song, "Everything I do, I do it for you" (by Brandy or Bryan Adams), or try this link:

A song by a singer called Sheila Walsh with these words:
"Growing Up To Be A Child."

The moment when the man on the train sees a dance teacher staring out of a window
in the Japanese movie version of "Shall We Dance?"

These are some of the things that came to my mind when I projected my thoughts and feelings about fashion. They may be unrelated things to some, but these other art forms help me to connect and express my thoughts.

An exercise of meditation:

Jot down or think of things that relate to your favorite dress (suit) or accessory.
Why does it inspire you so?


When finished using the product, what can you positively do to
recycle, reuse, share, or to benefit the environment?

How can you connect two unrelated things to inspire you to design or create? Try down the things that come up...

Examples: a bridge and a window
a tidal wave and a toothbrush
a pencil and a rocket ship
sunshine and library books
milk and gravel

Try your own!

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