Monday, April 28, 2008

Bare Necessities! (part two)

On a fun note, here is a well - known song that reflects some of the same ideas about
striving to incorporate the bare necessities into your life.

Lyrics included...


Fashion is an investment!

When you purchase something, it says something about your investment and the product that you choose. Ultimately, it says something about what you value also and how you budget.

Every product, then, becomes a type of investment.

Some things you can afford and some you can't. That's a fact of life.

Some things you live with...and some, you have to do without.

I think saving is a virtue when it comes to buying things later. It helps to plan
what you really need and what you really want. Sometimes, we do choose want over need.

It is not bad to splurge, but find a balance in whatever you decide and act upon as a rule of
thumb. Budgeting and using time wisely is also necessary. Knowing what you want and distinguishing need vs want and planning when it is necessary becomes ultimately an important goal when going through a time of financial crunch.

That is the key to happiness. Keep the bare necessities in mind and find a harmonious balance in what you decide to purchase and wear. If you choose wisely, you can always reward yourself in time.

Debt is not fun!

Mainly, we fall into debt, because we want our "wants" too fast or think we need them right away. Slow down and look at the larger picture. If you invest in your object of your affection wisely, you will feel much better about your finances and prevent a great deal of stress in your life.

Loving fashion is a fun hobby as well.
What you become enamored with says a lot about you.

I like to see what things attract my attention and if I am still interested in them with the same degree of zeal at a later point. I am then able to temper and balance want and need and end up feeling contentment about my purchases.

I hope this helps some of you who are worried about the current nature of our economy and the fear of recession.

Take time to enjoy what you have. Reflect upon your blessings.

Life is not about dearth.

It is about fullness.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bare Necessities!

Fashion is necessary.

People created fashion, because it was a basic need.

Even the earliest creation stories detail the need for human beings to create fashion.

No one knew it was a basic need until they really felt the intensity of the human condition.
To present themselves without shame before the Creator, they had to clothe themselves.
Nature lent its bounty from then on, and we haven't stopped borrowing from her.

I leave you to ponder this today...and the next time, someone says fashion is fluff and not really
necessary, think about the early peoples and the reasons they first turned to clothing for their physical and spiritual survival.

Mary Chapin Carpenter - Passionate Kisses

Your relationship to clothing is a relationship that you will continue to have until the day of your death. How you view it and what you choose to wear is your own choice.