Monday, October 15, 2012

The Language of Fashion

This month's blog will visit a quandary that hits all bloggers and readers at some point or another.

In order to present your views on fashion, are you going to choose a digital platform, a print platform, or will you concentrate on visuals, images, cams, videos, or instagram messages?

This blogger, although excited, about the various ways we experience or encounter fashion can't keep from thinking that the language of fashion is poetic.

Every time I come away from reading or perusing an article on fashion, I find that the semantics, phrases, words, all have to do with the poetic, visual imagery in the form of words. Every dress is detailed or described concretely and suggestively. One steps away with a picture and with concrete information about the concept, subject, article of clothing, a fashion venue, or a show.

I also think of people that view fashion as more science or in the realm of technology or tech education. They are fascinated by the digital arena, and are split between the world of print and the world of digital, which I will term the digital divide.

To a person that views fashion as poetry, all these arenas strike me as poetry. The very nonverbal inspires one to be verbal. One has to sort through words mentally to describe what one has just discovered. If someone sends you an instagram, of course, you are going to have words to describe or revel in the transmission. For example, a photo of a young child with a trench on made me think of words like "new beginnings" or "spring." I can then choose to articulate that after the first view or whenever it strikes or suits me.

Fashion writers and bloggers all have to dilly - dally with the poetic, whether they realise it or not. Most all will succumb to words that the media is using currently, or they will choose common words that describe likes, dislikes, or identify with a local group or an audience.

If you are a writer, don't forget to pause and focus on just what is poetic in the language of fashion. It holds onto one and grabs one from the outset. Then, one has to determine what form or format one will communicate that concept.

If you are straining to determine which media you prefer, digital or print, remember there is that common fusion of the poetic that rules or bonds the two together. Obviously, a writer or photographer may choose their own strengths when it comes down to it, but the question of the poetic is answered in the blogosphere by the simple act of transmission of the message(s) itself.

It is all poetic!

That state of being is what remains long after one is done reading or viewing the piece.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The World of September Fashion

If you are sitting at your seat's edge wondering about fashion in September, you are not alone. The magazines, bloggers, fashionistas, designers, and all major fashion companies are all in the midst of a thriving boom of creativity.

Fashion's Night Out, too, as an event is going to be teeming with visitors and consumers. Are you ready? If not, you may want to get your date book and pencil things in, or start to talk to friends about your plans to go or stay. It will help you bring a finality to your plans.

This exciting time is to be shared by everyone and in various ways. People who have an aversion to travel and crowds may tend to visit sites or catalogs online as well. So there is an opportunity for everyone!

Start to visit different sites and look to see what is to be your cup of tea.

An example is

Start somewhere! Don't be left out during this important season.

We encourage our readers of fashion to read about the events and stay in the know! You never know where or when you will need to collaborate with an exciting venture during Fashion Week.

Happy September, bloggers and others! This time is especially just for you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Wade in -

Gathering reams and reams
of softly - woven verse
lying next to me in a
heap of papers...
(someone once wanted you!)
ready to be bound
in manuals or hard
cover on shelves

I stretch pages
the cloth that clings
to my covetous arms
the print that rails
at me, jarring me
at a moment's notice

attention, silk,
brocade, upholstery,
slivers of spin - offs and
glossy, and porous pages of shiny
faces and metaphors
that dangle willingly
on my tongue and leap as
if off a diving board
into the quiver
of my rosy - white fingers

Fashion hails me
in books and in soft cloth
and I view my apartment
as a silent studio that
never belonged to anyone
other than me

although in jest,
it would have been traversed
with soiled shoes of strangers,
needing things they said I supplied
to no one in particular

Was it a word, then?
Instead of a page?
A yard of fabric
instead of tattered rags
of newspaper print
and silky, slippery ribbons
and many, many more decorative pieces
all fusing

gathering and yearning
to be enfolded
by my arms

I stand as a silent creator.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Luxury of Space

     Everyone knows fashion carries time and a verified timeline.  Do they, however, know that fashion steps into space and is very space - conscious?

     We take trips to stores, malls, boutiques, hotels, or any place where fashion draws one to a place, a space where you spend moments of time with the merchandise in question.  Fashion may loom into the atmosphere, but it does not crash a space. 

      It is your time to be with the material, and it is thinking time.  Instead, it gently takes one by the arm and nudges one to think about the science, the fit, the decor, or the very design of a thing or entity.  Have you ever stopped to think, "Why here, why now?" 

     "Why does this grab me?"

     Once on a very dreary winter's night, and I felt as if my friends and I were headed for some subterranean tundra where icicles or glaciers had wrapped themselves around our hands and fingers, and finally, onto our toes, we found a window that glowed with artifacts and luxuries that seemed to remind us there was still warmth in the world, somewhere, someplace, and actually, "right there."  The visitors were from Texas, and I found that that moment, browsing by Macy's surged new blood into our veins.  We stopped hypnotically by every window, and stopped feeling the firm grip of the hazardous winter.  My friends took photos, and didn't seem to mind being out anymore.  I stopped dreading that they would mind the time they spent. 

     Space is a place where fashion resounds.  It stays in place and leaves a resonant echo within the hollows of an alcove or a niche.  A space takes time. 

     Have you ever stopped in the middle of a room, where fashion takes up the majority of the space, and yet is centered to fit in just there, only in that tethered area, where you stop to take a look?  The specimen that wears the beguiling outfit either looms over one, or it shies away from your perspective.  That is the work of artisans that work with space in time.  Which customers are going to notice this? That?

     I am a true fan of that which stops me while I am on an errand or a browsing activity.  As a child, I remember one mannequin that wore an adorable dress, and the style eventually attached itself to the Seventies.  My family, too, stopped, and soon that dress that was featured, became part of my wardrobe.  Visitors, especially, love stopping, staring, feeling as if a masterpiece in a particular space is reason enough to stop.

     One can get tied up thinking about prices, the hectic activity that is involved, but what happens when a space beckons curiosity about an artifact, an item, or anything that holds you captive?  It is your time that you invest there in that nook, window, or other such space.  A shopper's time is a revered thing! 

     Do you feel satisfied after purchasing a product?  Do you recall why you were even motivated to shop there?  Was it your eyes? Or a referral? An ad?  A fortunate stop?  This all matters in time.

     If your stop and purchase translated into a transaction within a space of time, or an investment, then you will find that it will add to your new locale, a new space for that item or fashion artifact.

     Revere space. 

     It is the breathing room one needs to make connections out there in the world.

     If you invest and choose wisely, it is as if a breath of fresh air wafted in and escorted you back to your original haunts.  The new item begins to lend itself and becomes your new space, suggesting a passion for spaces and the allure that they hold for a seasonal or pro - shopper.  A consumer...

     Wield your economy.

     As is customary of anything that holds time within space.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fashion people!

Fashionistas, fashion - forward people, do not forget to walk! Repeat. Do not forget to walk. If you haven't been a commuter for a great while, or have been sitting at work, figure out a good time and quality time at that to go venture about and see sites. Driving there is fine, but have you wondered why your own two feet aren't taking you places lately?

I don't mean jogging or running, either. I mean just taking a casual walk and being one with the ground and the Earth. Do you think the Earth misses you?

Fashion people are walkers, if you haven't noticed yet. You have get up and go. You inspire people just by being there, by toting that one outfit or that one accessory that is eye - catching.

Most people are stuck watching texts or computer screens. They don't have time to go places anymore. If they do, it is through the use of wheels or other transport. If you aren't there to inspire others or the Earth, where are you?

Waiting for a stranger to text you?

Email you?

What you can do is balance your life out with travel by car or by feet.

I mean it! Walk more. Tread ground more.

Choose great weather first or nice locales.

A good security system for your apartment too! Sigh!

Get out there! Meet some nice folk.


You did it all with YOUR OWN TWO FEET!

Put your best foot forward.

Enjoy your walk!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fashion Planet

The Earth is a fashion house. Just open your eyes! The colours administered to things We take for granted, not to mention, refuse to acknowledge when a fellow being dresses or paints an object, is a blunder in time. If you ever look to see how noble, trees, birds, the skies, and the waters look in our eyes, you will acknowledge the splendour of creation. If We are consumed by food or other sensory details such as touch, We forget what sight is for in life and times. The grandeur of the noble design of our planet is breath - taking, and as people, We forget to be inspired or to become inspired. The Earth functions as a fashion palette for our eyes. We may not even notice why the colour of a cardinal in flight may register to us or call attention to the imagery found in nature. If you are stumbling or stymied in life or nature, figure out why. Nature is a never - ending blend of colours, activity, imagery, and gives us sovereignty as stewards and to step into areas where improvement is needed. Next time, you are bored or over - taken by blockage, find out what you have missed out in life or times. You may be surprised to find it is nature, Earth's palette, for all the beings collectively. Nature gives time to us, to fashion, create, and to care about the every day things We take for granted. We are nature's natural stewards.