Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fashion Event - - - August 13, 2010

This summer is a wonderful time to connect and network with friends with like interests. A friend who loves fashion events forwarded me an email about this

As usual with any event, various people who view these events on the net frequent these events. I did read some reviews where events were attended by all different types of people, and some people were not "your cup of tea."

So as a cautionary note, and in the interests of all fashion lovers, please do attend with a friend, or acquaint yourself with professionals and not just someone attending who is not interested in the arena of fashion.

Please also read reviews on past events so you do prepare yourself in advance. Young people who are new to social networking and may need some amount of chaperoning need to research events before attending them also.

People who attend can either break or make an event. So, establish a solid social base when attending events. See if it is your speed or not, and then attend.

Stay away from opportunists and lechers, obviously! :)

Here are some examples of some reviews on past events:

Keep in mind that this may not be everyone's experience, but when people do share opinions, one can eventually reach a decision as to if it is the right event for you.

Lincoln Park Young Professionals & Funky Couture


"Custo-Barcelona Summer Fashion Show"

Friday, Aug 13, 2010 6:00 PM CDT
- Friday, Aug 13, 2010 10:00 PM CDT


Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago, IL

2430 N. Cannon Drive
Chicago, IL 60614

21 years and over

Order tickets at:

or call Lincoln Park Professionals at:
312- 642 - 5097