Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Magic!

Have you ever found a single enlightened moment within a busy holiday
season? This Christmas time, I wish all readers here time to pause and reflect
on the wonder and majesty of the season. In the stillness, there is still a hidden aspect of wonder inside all of our hearts.

Some find it in the beauty that surrounds. Others crave the relationships and friendships that are found, re-ignited, or friends love to form reunions, but all have to admit there is something in this season that is redolent of a time that is unmistakable as the gift that speaks to each of us.

I have thought of two times: Once when I was an angel in a nativity scene in a compound for nurses, doctors, and their families and the other while I was in a line to kiss the small cheek of the baby Jesus with strangers and fellow schoolmates. Mary was a staff nurse who had moved from Singapore to India for nursing school, and Joseph was one of the native-born doctors. Although I was in a different land and place, I saw the joy Christmas brought to all around me. When the Hindus saw me, they told me the stage was real to them, and they came to see "Maria" and the baby, "Geejus." My job was to point toward the nativity scene the entire time.

The fashion industry illuminates the towns where we live. Citizens browse items merrily and wish greetings on strangers and friends alike. Children are expectant in wondering what the adults will bestow upon them this year. This year, may we teach them how hard our industries strive to make this time special for us and the world around. May consumerism and greed not reign, but child-like hearts that want to experience sheer wonder and joy of the season.

One year, someone gifted me with a cashmere scarf, and everyone was awed by the material, texture, and color. It was something that caught everyone's eye. I felt as if I was a hypnotist, but I knew it was the pure craftmanship. All the factors worked together to come to me almost in a magical way. Have we ever stopped and wondered how hard it took a gift to come to us? The journey it took or the animals that bequeathed to us their majestic bounty to warm and comfort us?

This year, may we consider no single gift in vain, but a single transparent way that makes us appreciate the wonder of all creation around the world.

Fashion is our creation at its best and its glory. May all creators of fashion this year rejoice in their efforts and send an upward prayer of thanks to divine inspiraton, for without it, we would suffer.

Thanks to all of you for the work and miracle that you give us at Christmas time and always.
