Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chicago Fabric and Trim Show

Chicago Fabric and Trim Show

For details: please perform a search at:


I will provide the link below, but please go to the site
to obtain the information if this does not get you there.


Details are listed as to who should attend and what you need to bring.

It is also suggested that you verify any or all dates in case they decide
to change things.

I hope it is well worth your time to attend.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Designers of fashion:
Designers interested in social/design:

Please see:


If you have trouble going to the site, try doing
a search with google.


Jo A.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Addendum: Re: Infomat

For those of you who have an interest in www.infomat.com, they have
just communicated to me that they have updated their search/research

Please see this link:



Jo A.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Politics of Fashion

I was thinking about an event I attended many years ago. I had dressed
conservatively for it, although I knew nothing about it or knew no one there.
The only clue I had was that the gal who invited me was a fashionista, and
everyone who attended was fashionably dressed. I guessed I had done well.

Later, another friend, who knew of the event, and the circle of people better than
I did, suggested that I not attend any future events. Although the whole affair was
conducted in another language, I found that my friend was referring to the politics of the
event, the politics of the fashionista, and politics in general. I gathered by putting two and
two together that I had attended a communists' event that someone who grew up around capitalists would never attend. I'm being vague about it, because I never did
find out what party it was for or for what it was about.

Years later, I am thinking about this event, and thinking that fashion reveals things about
people. I tend to dress conservatively. I even draw designs that are conservative. Creatively,
I draw progressive or innovative designs that I may not really want to share. I do like
to experiment and see how different elements blend together.

When I attend events, I attend conservative, posh affairs, or events that contribute to charity. That tells me a lot about me that I had not even analyzed before.

Friends who are fashionistas don't hold this against me. Defined "radical" or "experimental," they like to invite me to all sorts of events. I don't always mind. I attend events I am curious about. Now that I am older, I am aware, that people label you based on events you attend or even by the clothes you wear.

That Palin Woman!

Similarly, if not like Maria Callas at all, Sarah Palin, is an example of someone who seems
bound by a code of lets call it vice-presidency! But she is watched and talked about! Based on her current work, she has to project a sort of image. I sort of understand.

Look at Cindy McCain and even Michelle Obama. They, too, have their own individual styles and
even "image" that they have to manage.

All of these aspects force us to choose to a certain point what we wear, when we wear it, and
even who is watching us.

I don't like being "pigeon - holed," but sometimes, it seems it can't be helped.

So if you see me dressed conservatively at one of my "radical" friends' events, please don't
assume anything, or even say that I don't fit in "fashion - wise."

It is simply too much pressure...just kidding....but it does make you think about where you
are, and what you are wearing.

(And even society's/friends' views of you and what you are doing there...)

I suggest that you choose an image that you are comfortable with. For the most part, you can't go wrong...although, I seem to do that well a lot!

Next time you go out, assess yourself, your choice of fashion, your choices of events.

Do a comparison and contrast a year later. Are you the same, different?

You learn a lot about yourself, your tastes, your clients and associates.

Fashion can truly be a learning experience.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gen Art!

Field Research!

For finding perfect inspiration for fashion and/or the arts, don't forget to
visit http://www.genart.org/ My friend and I attended one of their fashion events and
saw an awesome fashion show and later attended a networking party and met
new designers and those at large.

There are also blogs galore there to peruse, screenings to see, jobs to fill, etc.

If you are thinking about being a designer, this is a great way to get started. Gen Art
wants to collaborate with new and up and coming designers. Zac Posen was just a newbie
when he first decided to investigate Gen Art! Take heart...

Just Playing!

The other night, I spread out magazines and looked and looked and looked. Something about
the visual nature of the photography never ceases to inspire me. I also clipped swatches of
color from older magazines. I made dresses out of paper also. I even want to design collages
of dresses.

By playing, we discover what truly inspires us. By relaxing, it focuses you in the direction
you want to go.

Try painting or designing to music or the silent gurgles of a fountain or pond.

Anything you consider play is game.

Stress seems to be the game of life nowadays, but what if we actually stopped and looked
and changed all that?

It's a point to ponder, but I figure everyone has to try it out, at least just once!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Music of Fashion!

The touch, the feel of fabric, the fabric of our lives.....

The commercial and jingle tune for cotton has become somewhat iconic
to us all. The tune is as familiar as the taste of chocolate or an oreo cookie
dipped in milk. These foods also have some famous jingles that you may remember.

You can do a search for this commercial on You Tube, if you wish.

If you want to reduce fashion to its bare bones, you will find it in various
aspects of our lives. Every corner of our lives contains elements of things that make up fashion.

Many fashion bloggers quote Chanel who summed it up when she said that
fashion is in everything she sees.

Think about this as a point to ponder, and then look for concrete examples.

Everything is clothed!!!!

If you think about it, all of nature is clothed brilliantly and beautifully.

I was remarking upon the beauty of my friend's cat who has golden wheat and butterscotch
hues that inspire me to create clothing and even personal makeup.

The other cat reminds me of my parent's russian blue color in their carpeting.
Texture and colors and templates in all their glory!!!

I almost channeled Emily Dickinson one day when I spied a pair of cardinals, male and female, in the walk way of a friend's house. The way they are colored entranced me. No wonder Emily wrote this poem!

Think about peacocks, cheetahs, albino rabbits, the coats or manes of mares, or anything that gets you to stop and ponder the glories of nature.

Nature complements humans very well.

Books such as All things Bright and Beautiful, The Secret Garden, Green Mansions, and other such writers who concentrate on nature are greatly inspirational.

Speaking of complements, fashion helps us to complement one another as well. It constructs the choices we make, helps us coordinate, and allows us to match one another in harmony.

Next time you are at an event, look at the way everything connects. Admire the ways that families look together (spouses or children), weddings where the bride and groom harmonize with the bridal party and/or guests. The way the decor brings out feelings of peace and tranquility....

We are made to complement one another.

Fashion Research!

I found a site recently that helps fashion professionals research and market their products better. Have a look at: http://www.infomat.com/

Sign up if you are serious about fashion and want to work in it.

Fashion Sale!

Readers in Chicago! (Nordstroms)

Nordstrom will start their sale May 21st. This will be for women and children.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Want To Marry That! (Enamored with Fashion)

Years ago, a preschooler once told me after I had finished reading a book to her class:

"I want to marry that." (said with a sigh...)

She loved the book so much and that expressed what she wanted to say totally.

The way she constructed her choice of words led me to remark upon how we all have deep affections for things we like.

Sometimes conventional words we use as adults don't always capture a feeling we want to express. Children express themselves naturally and winsomely, so at times, we are struck by wonder as to how they view things.

Fashion strikes a chord in me, and I am amazed by feelings it brings out in me. At times, the artistry of a dress evokes positive emotions, or the feel of a fabric makes you feel comfortable, almost as if you are embraced and encircled so perfectly. I always wonder if the designer felt that way when creating the item(s). Like it was their baby, their creation?

I feel myself being drawn to the item and become enamored with its beauty.

If you try to parallel your emotions with things around you or other thoughts that enter your head, you are nearing the process of being able to express what you really feel.

Eventually, you become so lost or speechless that you can't say anything else, except like a child:

"I want to marry that..."

If you do have a moment, try to do a search on the following:

The song, "Lost In Your Eyes" (Debbie Gibson, album: Electric Youth or see You Tube)
The song, "My Baby, You" (Marc Anthony)
The song, "Everything I do, I do it for you" (by Brandy or Bryan Adams), or try this link:

A song by a singer called Sheila Walsh with these words:
"Growing Up To Be A Child."

The moment when the man on the train sees a dance teacher staring out of a window
in the Japanese movie version of "Shall We Dance?"

These are some of the things that came to my mind when I projected my thoughts and feelings about fashion. They may be unrelated things to some, but these other art forms help me to connect and express my thoughts.

An exercise of meditation:

Jot down or think of things that relate to your favorite dress (suit) or accessory.
Why does it inspire you so?


When finished using the product, what can you positively do to
recycle, reuse, share, or to benefit the environment?

How can you connect two unrelated things to inspire you to design or create? Try anything...jot down the things that come up...

Examples: a bridge and a window
a tidal wave and a toothbrush
a pencil and a rocket ship
sunshine and library books
milk and gravel

Try your own!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Bare Necessities! (part two)

On a fun note, here is a well - known song that reflects some of the same ideas about
striving to incorporate the bare necessities into your life.


Lyrics included...


Fashion is an investment!

When you purchase something, it says something about your investment and the product that you choose. Ultimately, it says something about what you value also and how you budget.

Every product, then, becomes a type of investment. Groceries...cars...entertainment...

Some things you can afford and some you can't. That's a fact of life.

Some things you live with...and some, you have to do without.

I think saving is a virtue when it comes to buying things later. It helps to plan
what you really need and what you really want. Sometimes, we do choose want over need.

It is not bad to splurge, but find a balance in whatever you decide and act upon as a rule of
thumb. Budgeting and using time wisely is also necessary. Knowing what you want and distinguishing need vs want and planning when it is necessary becomes ultimately an important goal when going through a time of financial crunch.

That is the key to happiness. Keep the bare necessities in mind and find a harmonious balance in what you decide to purchase and wear. If you choose wisely, you can always reward yourself in time.

Debt is not fun!

Mainly, we fall into debt, because we want our "wants" too fast or think we need them right away. Slow down and look at the larger picture. If you invest in your object of your affection wisely, you will feel much better about your finances and prevent a great deal of stress in your life.

Loving fashion is a fun hobby as well.
What you become enamored with says a lot about you.

I like to see what things attract my attention and if I am still interested in them with the same degree of zeal at a later point. I am then able to temper and balance want and need and end up feeling contentment about my purchases.

I hope this helps some of you who are worried about the current nature of our economy and the fear of recession.

Take time to enjoy what you have. Reflect upon your blessings.

Life is not about dearth.

It is about fullness.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bare Necessities!

Fashion is necessary.

People created fashion, because it was a basic need.

Even the earliest creation stories detail the need for human beings to create fashion.

No one knew it was a basic need until they really felt the intensity of the human condition.
To present themselves without shame before the Creator, they had to clothe themselves.
Nature lent its bounty from then on, and we haven't stopped borrowing from her.

I leave you to ponder this today...and the next time, someone says fashion is fluff and not really
necessary, think about the early peoples and the reasons they first turned to clothing for their physical and spiritual survival.

Mary Chapin Carpenter - Passionate Kisseshttp://video.aol.com/video-detail/mary-chapin-carpenter-passionate-kisses/823144075

Your relationship to clothing is a relationship that you will continue to have until the day of your death. How you view it and what you choose to wear is your own choice.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Inspiring Music

The process of creativity usually begins with a vision or an idea. I love to picture this process as it happens when I create a poem or a design. I am almost uncertain about beginning and feel that I may take the wrong detours and fail in completing my projects. A lot of times, I give up on a project until I feel confident to start again.

I also love viewing creativity in others and their work. Each person designs their work in a unique way that maintains the spark of their original idea bringing it forth into the midst of others. This Easter weekend, I thought of themes like these with spring emerging and leaping forth out of the cold clutches of the winter-laden earth. Winter, itself, lends forth a solemn beauty, but spring to me is redolent with the beauty that is about to be born.

At times when I reach a stand - still, I turn on music that inspires me. The idea of a muse is that it inspires you by breathing within you. You stand as if with an open mouth receiving the emerging vision as it enlightens you within and without.

These are some of the songs that I listen to and share with others when they reach a stagnant place in life and in work.


This song reminds me of the poetry there is in life and losing sight of it is a temptation, but one must strive on.


This is a classic song by someone who weaves life's majesty in her songs.


Sometimes in the quiet moments, you hear things you never thought you could.
Your perspective changes, and you are able to see things you never noticed before.


Once in a dream, an angel came to me and held me from behind as we both fell. This angel broke my fall as we fell together. We landed on our feet, safe and sound. The singer in this song (video) closely resembles the angel I saw. It is the closest I can describe him and the experience. A dream as an image is a comfort, or it stirs up things that are currently inside you.
This song is also a dedication to Shea and to Gerald Ford.


I have only recently seen this art. I find it fascinating and new...weaving the beauty of fabric into it and then synchronizing it with song....
This song is in dedication to Easter and all that spring brings. It is a homage to the creator and to the beauty of creation.

I also dedicate it to the Wallendas and their troupe. They inspired me as a wee young thing with their courage and dedication to awe us all. (http://www.wallenda.com/)


This song is for those who don't always find acceptance right away in their work and life. May they have courage to continue on. Of course, I dedicate it to Hans Christian Andersen.


This song also is to encourage you when you are down and find your courage is small.

I have not included all of the songs that inspire me, but I thought I would make a gift to all artists who visit this site. If fashion inspires you, then please visit again.

Jo A.
Fashion Spire

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Poetry of Fashion

Writers have always inspired me. A word, phrase, or an idea from their prose or poetry could take me away on a wild flight. This week, I somehow ended up drawing a spire and then a dress with a ribbon spiraling all the way through it, wrapping around like ivy on a trellis. I suppose it is also because spring is in the air, but the poetry in everything I see really does inspire me.

Today, I will share a couple of sites where writers weave poetic elements into elements of fashion.



These sites have been inspired by poetic elements in life. I believe that if you really look, there is poetry in everything, and it all does flow together. The theme that runs through life is different when viewed by different people. If you do observe those in fashion, they do try to represent something that they see in the world or in the spiritual realm. They express those ideas in their creations or in their programs. Look for a running theme or poetry in the work of fashion.

Finally, I leave you with a song about finding a wonder in life, whether your passion is in fashion or in something else. It is not a new song at all, but it is a classic in my book!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rebecca's Ribbons

Who hasn't wished for something they don't have? We are made to recognize beauty and our eyes are drawn to things that appeal to us. Sometimes, it is a desire for something we need.
Sometimes, it is a desire for something we want. If you trace your life back to what you first wanted and think about what happened when you either got it or didn't. It tells you a lot about yourself.

Growing up, I couldn't have anything Gucci, not because we couldn't have it, but conservativeness was considered a virtue. If I didn't wear the right shoes, I would probably be pitted against the haves and the have nots. So was there a place for the in - between who could have anything by making a wish perhaps? Or by having a personal genie? lol....

Fashion makes people enamored with the beauty of objects and either creates a desire to want those items or creates a sadness that one cannot attain them. I don't think it is necessarily bad to want something. What happens inside you while you are in that state matters...

It can become an addiction to overspend or put you in debt. Or it can be something comforting, stating to you that you like it, and that you have good taste and fashions an identity. A friend once told me when she couldn't afford Dior, she created patterns and wore them. She was inspired!

I have written a poem about an early wish for something I did not possess. It is called "Rebecca's Ribbons." (Note: I chose the name for the purposes of sheer alliteration...)

Rebecca’s Ribbons

The leader of the girls’
red brigade
could be recognized
by the colors of her ribbons.
When we saw her,
beaming inside,
we little six-year-old girls all
cheerfully waved and gleefully
sent kisses of kind wishes
We did not always greet the others
who wore other colors
Green or Blue
For pride for our group
For posterity’s sake
Our leader could beat up your leader pride
Our ribbons were red
And glowed in the sun
Like no other ones I had seen.
Yet one day, I made a wish for blue
ribbons, as blue as a sun-lit sky
pure and blue,
and nestled inside
loops of braided black
and when we went to buy ribbons,
I looked at blue and wished for one.
But I was told, you need red ones.
They matched our shiny red belts.
so I forgot my envy until
I ran alone in the sun one day
and found one waiting patiently
outside in the golden sun
glowing with a diamond radiance
and I folded it gently and pocketed it
deep inside
where no one would find it.
I still wore red ribbons
as according to duty
though I did get a wish to come true.

This song is symbolic of this experience:


It is red, because that is what was my reality before the wish.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nostalgia's Child

Fashion inspires a nostalgic sense of where we came from, where we are going, and where we eventually will arrive. Studying fashion gives one a chance to see a history that comes to life, leaping out from texts and theories and brilliantly leaving a tangible proof of existence. Looking at trends and what is beloved in society mirrors ourselves and others, communicating to us what we value or what we desire.

I found this site recently of someone's dedication to tracing fashion across the ages.


Just click on the period of time that fascinates you the most. I, for the most part, am spell - bound by fashion's endurance throughout history and its place in our lives.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fabric of Our Lives

My first entry is simply a song...


The lyrics speak for themselves.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fashion Spire

Fashion Spire is an inspirational place for everyone who possesses a vested interest in fashion.
It celebrates the unique nature of fashion and the creation thereof. This blog will include a variety of features about fashion.

Mostly, it is my exploration about what fashion means to my life or what I believe it means to the world at large. It is also a place to dream, create, write, draw, and practice artistic activities surrounding fashion.

Fashion is a dream of fabric that winds through all aspects of life. It is a pinnacle that transforms if permitted to flourish and if it is allowed to be utilized in the ways that best benefit societies all over the world.

I hope you are engaged to explore the same things that I am currently researching.

So welcome to you if you decide to follow my blog.

Be more inspired...
Fashion - Inspired
or just follow Fashion Spire!